{"id":1727,"date":"2023-02-28T16:52:55","date_gmt":"2023-02-28T15:52:55","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.learnancientrome.com\/?p=1727"},"modified":"2023-02-28T16:52:55","modified_gmt":"2023-02-28T15:52:55","slug":"did-ancient-romans-have-chainmail","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.learnancientrome.com\/did-ancient-romans-have-chainmail\/","title":{"rendered":"Did ancient romans have chainmail?"},"content":{"rendered":"

The ancient Romans were a warlike people and were often engaged in battle. To protect themselves, they developed a type of armor known as chainmail. This armor was made of small metal rings that were linked together to form a protective garment. It was effective against the weapons of the time and helped the Romans to win many battles.<\/p>\n

The ancient Romans did use a form of chainmail, called lorica hamata. It was made of iron or brass rings woven together to create a flexible and strong fabric. It was used primarily by the military to create armor that could protect against cuts and punctures.<\/p>\n

When did Romans adopt chainmail? <\/h2>\n

The Roman breastplate, or cuirass, was a piece of armor that covered the chest and was first used in the 4th century BCE. It was probably invented by the Celts around the 7th century BCE. In the 4th century BCE, it was adopted by the Romans shortly after the Gallic invasion of the Apennine Peninsula. Made of steel or bronze circles, it formed an armor in the form of a vest, sometimes with a short sleeve.<\/p>\n

The Romans were the first to adopt chain mail as a form of protection, borrowing the idea from the ancient Celts. The armor we see in films from this period is a result of a cost-saving measure enacted by Augustus. Mail was superior to the other forms of protection available at the time, but it was also much more expensive. Each piece of mail had to be individually bent and connected to other pieces in order to create a strong bond.<\/p>\n

What armour did Romans wear <\/h3>\n