{"id":1385,"date":"2023-02-25T13:05:57","date_gmt":"2023-02-25T12:05:57","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.learnancientrome.com\/?p=1385"},"modified":"2023-02-25T13:05:57","modified_gmt":"2023-02-25T12:05:57","slug":"how-did-ancient-romans-eat","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.learnancientrome.com\/how-did-ancient-romans-eat\/","title":{"rendered":"How did ancient romans eat?"},"content":{"rendered":"

The ancient Romans were a people who were known for their love of food and their grand feasts. They would often have guests over to their homes to enjoy a meal and share stories. The ancient Romans also enjoyed a good drink, and wine was often served with meals.<\/p>\n

The ancient Romans ate a variety of foods including vegetables, fruits, meats, cheeses, and breads. They typically ate three meals a day consisting of a light breakfast, a more substantial lunch, and a smaller dinner.<\/p>\n

How did the Romans eat their food? <\/h2>\n

The Romans were known to eat with their fingers and so the food was cut into bite size pieces. Slaves would continually wash the guests’ hands throughout the dinner. Spoons were used for soup. Rich Romans could afford to eat lots of meat.<\/p>\n

Eating customs and manners vary between cultures. The Romans often ate sitting upright, but the wealthy reclined on couches, particularly when they were at dinner parties, and they would often dine outdoors in their gardens with the weather permitted. Cooking vessels were pottery and bronze, sometimes glass or pewter.<\/p>\n

What foods did Romans not eat <\/h3>\n