{"id":10446,"date":"2023-11-25T09:20:16","date_gmt":"2023-11-25T08:20:16","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.learnancientrome.com\/?p=10446"},"modified":"2023-11-25T09:20:16","modified_gmt":"2023-11-25T08:20:16","slug":"what-things-did-ancient-rome-invent","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.learnancientrome.com\/what-things-did-ancient-rome-invent\/","title":{"rendered":"What Things Did Ancient Rome Invent"},"content":{"rendered":"

Agricultural Practices<\/h2>\n

Ancient Rome invented many remarkable advances in agriculture, which has been an integral part of the civilization for hundreds of years. Plowing and manuring are two common practices that have been adopted by modern farming. Plowing was an agricultural method used to break up the soil for cultivation by using a heavy sharpened implement. Manuring, which was introduced in the second century BC, can be described as the practice of fertilizing the soil with animal or vegetal materials in order to improve crop yields. This was essential in providing a steady food supply to the Roman population and also allowed for large-scale farming operations. <\/p>\n

One particular agricultural invention, the wheeled plow, was of fundamental importance in increasing crop yields and had a major impact on the Roman economy. This invention enabled farmers to cover more ground in less time and reduced the labor intensity of plowing. It was introduced by the Roman engineer Marcus Virgilius in the first century AD, and introduced many practical improvements to the existing plow including a swiveling wheeled axle, improved cross-plow design and a seat harness for the animal which improved the process of plowing. <\/p>\n

In addition to the wheeled plow, Ancient Rome also invented the harrow. The harrow, a tool consisting of several metal spikes that was attached to the front of a horse-drawn cart, was used to break up and aerate soil. This invention also contributed to increased crop yields, resulting in a more stable food supply and overall prosperity. <\/p>\n

Though the Roman Empire was not the first to develop advanced agricultural techniques, they are certainly one of the most influential civilizations in terms of agricultural advancement. Through the inventions of the wheeled plow and the harrow, the Romans have had a dramatic and far-reaching impact on the way we practice farming to this day. <\/p>\n

Architecture and City Planning<\/h2>\n