{"id":10316,"date":"2023-12-10T14:25:11","date_gmt":"2023-12-10T13:25:11","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.learnancientrome.com\/?p=10316"},"modified":"2023-12-10T14:25:11","modified_gmt":"2023-12-10T13:25:11","slug":"what-were-the-wealthy-aristocrats-of-ancient-rome-called-jiskha","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.learnancientrome.com\/what-were-the-wealthy-aristocrats-of-ancient-rome-called-jiskha\/","title":{"rendered":"What Were The Wealthy Aristocrats Of Ancient Rome Called Jiskha"},"content":{"rendered":"

The wealthy of Rome have changed hands throughout history due to times of unrest, civil war, invasion, and the rise and fall of powerful ruling families. The wealthy aristocrats of ancient Rome were known as the jiskha. Jiskha were wealthy members of the ruling class that enjoyed a level of luxury and wealth they believed they deserved due to their high social status. This potential power and significance set them above the common people in Roman culture, giving them both political and financial influence.<\/p>\n

As the most privileged members of society in Ancient Rome, it is unsurprising that jiskha were renowned for their extravagant lifestyles. To be considered a jiskha meant that one was exempted from many of the laborious agricultural and trade duties. They were given the trappings of luxury often associated with the rich, including large homes and ornate furnishings. In addition, jiskha were also the hub of political, religious and social life in ancient Rome.<\/p>\n

The jiskha typically owned large properties, with land stretching from one side of Rome to the other. These estates were passed down in families, allowing jiskha to enjoy wealth and freedom for generations. Wealthy jiskha hired slaves for labour and often had a retinue of servants. This, along with their status and privilege, allowed them to benefit financially from business, government and religious transactions.<\/p>\n

The jiskha enjoyed a level of power and influence that those in lower classes could only dream of. They were both feared and respected by those around them, and were able to secure privileges for themselves. This ranged from favorable financial deals to easy access to religious and political appointments. They were also able to live an opulent lifestyle and enjoy a variety of luxuries and expensive pleasures.<\/p>\n