{"id":10208,"date":"2023-11-19T16:40:19","date_gmt":"2023-11-19T15:40:19","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.learnancientrome.com\/?p=10208"},"modified":"2023-11-19T16:40:19","modified_gmt":"2023-11-19T15:40:19","slug":"what-was-ancient-rome-an-example-of","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.learnancientrome.com\/what-was-ancient-rome-an-example-of\/","title":{"rendered":"What Was Ancient Rome An Example Of"},"content":{"rendered":"

Ancient Rome was an ancient city-state located near the Tiber River in modern-day Italy. Founded in 753 BC, Rome was one of the world’s first and largest urban civilizations. It was the home of nearly one million people and was largely influential in the region. At its peak, the city was a hub of trading, culture, religion, and politics. As a result, Ancient Rome was an example of an early republic and democracy.<\/p>\n

Ancient Rome had a political structure that was based on the Roman Senate. This institution was made up of men who represented the many districts of the city. Citizens of Ancient Rome had a right to vote and their prefered candidates. Over time, Rome transitioned through a number of forms of government such as oligarchies, monarchies, and military dictatorships. The last of those was Julius Ceasar’s regime.<\/p>\n

Ancient Rome was also an example of an expansive and advanced civilization. One of the most recognizable symbols of Rome’s power and advancement was the Colosseum. Constructed in 70-80 AD, the Colosseum was a large open-air venue that was used for gladiator games and other public events. This massive structure proved that Rome was capable of executing large scale construction projects. Furthermore, the Colosseum was used as a status symbol and something to impress foreigners.<\/p>\n

Ancient Rome was also home to some of the ancient world’s most influential people. Julius Ceasar was arguably Rome’s most famous ruler and he is credited with turning Rome into a major power in the Mediterranean. His military campaigns and political strategies shaped the area and brought dominion. The famous poet Virgil was also born in Ancient Rome and he authored the famous work “The Aeneid”. <\/p>\n